Scientific Applications

Scientific Application
Single Molecule
Fluorescent in situ hybridization targeting ribonucleic acid molecules (RNA FISH or smFISH) is a methodology for detecting and localizing particular RNA molecules in fixed cells.

Scientific Application
89 North's and Chroma's diverse product lines and partners provide the correct tool to meet your imaging needs. Whether high quality widefield, high speed confocal, or more advanced techniques such as TIRF or light sheet, we supply the right instrument for your research needs.

Scientific Application
With 89 North’s diverse product lines, we can supply all the single component, modules, and integrated systems to meet your research needs. From the very simple to the very complex, we’ve got you covered.

Scientific Application
We provide not only a variety of light sources but also optics design and motorization for your microscope, including lamps, LEDs, and single-mode and multimode lasers.

Scientific Application
Cellular Biology
Light sources from 89 North provide ideal illumination for fluorescence imaging. Combined with filters from Chroma, we can help you design an ideal system for any antibodies or other fluorescent markers.
Scientific Techniques

Scientific Technique
Advanced solutions for your work in spinning disk confocal settings. Explore science in 3D and beyond with confocal imaging systems.

Scientific Technique
Photoactivation allows scientists to mark proteins of interest in living cells. Unlike similar techniques like FRAP, the movement of proteins can then be tracked with with ease.

Scientific Technique
Advanced solutions from 89 North and Rapp Optoelectronic allowing you to explore the kinetics of diffusion through tissue and cells.

Scientific Technique
See your cells like never before: look beyond the diffraction limit. With new advance imaging techniques, the diffraction limit is no longer a problem for light microscopy.

Scientific Technique
Light Sheet
Light sheet microscopy uses a thin plane of light to illuminate a sample. It allows fast volumetric imaging with reduced photo damage compared to conventional light microscopy methods. The L-SPI will add this capability to any existing imaging system.

Scientific Technique
Total Internal Reflection creates an evanescent wave that illuminates only a thin section of your sample: only around 200nm. See your sample with a contrast you never imagined.

Scientific Technique
Advanced laser solutions with precise targeting. 89 North and Rapp offer a wide variety of pulse lasers that have very high peak power to properly ablate your object of interest and leave the surrounding area undamaged.